1. Finish family Christmas Stockings. Nope but I got fairly close...the good news is I still have almost a whole year left to finish them!
4. Finish Painting Grandparents Christmas gifts and send out. Nope not even close to finishing but I think my parents and in laws will understand.
5. Work on Christ at Heart's Door. Nope! The more I look at this and try to work on it the more frustrated I get...I think I will put it away for awhile.
6. I finished 6 new stockings for the Marines in my community! This wasn't something I had to do but I enjoyed it and am proud that I finished them :D
Crafty goals for 2013
1. Finish at least 3 WIPs.
2. Finish top piece of Congo Rainbow Quilt.
3. Finish Family Christmas Stockings.
4. Stitch at least 2 pieces for World of Charity Stitching.
5. Finish Norway Map Cross stitch so I can purchase the Norwegian Bunad design.
6. Participate in a SAL (stitch a-long).
7. Make at least 4 small ornaments to give to others.
8. Complete another page of Girl with a Pearl.
9. Start a HAED project.
10. Start Valentines quilt.
11. Make and send out Valentines Day Cards.
12. Start retirement gift for my Dad.
13. Complete 2 Wedding samplers as gifts.
Ok hopefully those are realistic goals but we shall see! Good luck to all of you on completing your crafting goals for 2013!

And Happy New Years Eve to you!