
Friday, August 12, 2016

Stitch Maynia: Day 21 Floss Daily

Day 21: Floss Daily by Wee little stitches on Etsy, fabric in plum Aida 14 ct by Stitchinmomma.

Here is what it will look like when it is finished.

Floss Daily Sampler - PDF Cross-stitch Pattern - INSTANT DOWNLOAD

And here is how far I got on the first day stitching.

This challenge has really helped me finally use a lot of my stitchnmomma fabric that I purchased when I started this blog. I have decided to stitch the Olympic Challenge in Stitch Maynia on Facebook so I will get back to this on the day when you stitch something with white.  Until the next time...Happy Stitching!


  1. This is a cute design. I would stitch the floss in satin stitch so it lools like a bobbin! Love the fabric too.
